Grillo LLP - Chartered Surveyors

Full information about Establishment Grillo LLP - Chartered Surveyors at 4 Church Street, Godalming, England GU7 1EH. Find the address of the company, the phone for communication, opening hours, feedback from customers and employees, as well as other information.


4 Church Street, Godalming, England GU7 1EH
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Phone number:
+44 1483 860600



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Opening times

Monday 09:00 — 17:30
Tuesday 09:00 — 17:30
Wednesday 09:00 — 17:30
Thursday 09:00 — 17:30
Friday 09:00 — 17:30
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Grillo LLP - Chartered Surveyors

Reviews about Grillo LLP - Chartered Surveyors

  • Chris M
    ★ ★ ★ ★ ★
    We commissioned an extensive ‘Survey of Condition’ of a property from David Lewis, of Grillo, in July 2017 – and so far, we have been very pleased with it.

    We were looking to buy an (unlisted) house in Surrey dating from around the 1620s. It had been added to over the centuries, including a large, modern kitchen-and-bedroom addition about a decade ago. We knew we wanted a detailed survey, from someone who understands period houses. Even so, I hesitated at first as this survey wasn’t cheap – and it was paid for all up-front.

    To help make the decision, I spoke to David, and was reassured. As far as I could tell from a phone call, he seemed like a straight-forward, trustworthy, old-school-professional sort-of-chap who seems to know what he was doing. So we went for it!

    A few weeks later, we received a very detailed 68-page report, dotted with photos, and clearly steeped in knowledge and experience of building techniques through the ages. Whilst it included a scattering of caveats, which seem standard for any surveyor’s report, it was detailed and insightful in its investigations. He had gone through the place with a fine tooth-comb, and the report was clear about what was important for us to focus on going forward.

    In passing, he discovered a rather waterlogged cellar, which had somehow slipped the owner’s mind when preparing the particulars for the house; and his comments on the heating system alone certainly saved us more than the price of the survey.

    After receiving the report, we had a chat with David about the property. He was generous with his time, answering our questions in a practical way and elaborating on what he thought. All-in-all, It’s been very useful as we have now bought the house, and are planning some renovations before we move in – with the help of this report and an architect.

    Looking back, this report was an investment. We’re glad that we made it. If we ever come to buy another property, we’d go straight to David at Grillo, as we think that his knowledge and experience are worth the money.
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